On April 8th, otherwise known as Empanada Day in American commercialism, Cuba Libre graced Philadelphia with some Latin American treasures: cheap, yet amazing empanadas. It brought me back to my peso-per-panada days from studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Highly recommend you visit there, the mullets and American pop icons will keep you entertained for days) The Mama Amelia's empanadas at Cuba Libre were only a $1 for those sitting - more likely standing - at the crowded bar. My favorite was the pollo (chicken) but I didn't want to discriminate between the seasoned beef, shrimp and pork because they were all delicious. Now that you're extremely sad April 8th has come and gone, here comes the kicker: Cuba Libre has declared April Empanada Month!

Don't get too excited, because Cuba Libre's empanadas are now going to run you a pretty penny - $11 for two, $15 for three, and $19 for four (since I had 10, I don't want to think about the implications) However, I would still recommend going - it's worth it just to step inside the place. It looks like Havana invaded Little Cuba invaded Old City - and treat yourself to the Empanada with Dulce de Leche. Life isn't the same unless you try it. Bypass the mojitos and go for some rum on the rocks - You'll be channelling Fidel Castro and saving yourself a sugar rush worthy of Charlie Sheen.