Wednesday, June 8: Center City Sips has quite the rival in Philly Beer Week, but $4 cocktails, $3 vino, $2 brews and half-price appys at participating restaurants in Philly will give PBW a run for its money. Film-film-film-adelphia (Refer to It's Always Sunny), better known as the Philadelphia Film Society, is running a free Terrance Malick marathon leading up to a premiere of his latest on Friday.
Thursday, June 9: It's the Night Market in University City again, and it's completely legal despite the cover of darkness. Head to 39th and Market for the Blockley Beer Garden's local brews like Troeg's, Victory, Yards and Boxcar - then stay for the ethnic food, Philly vendors and food trucks -so for once, you won't have to chase them around the city. You can also stand still at Opa Restaurant's Thursday Block Party. (During or After either, try $.99 Magic Hat #9 Drafts at the Draught Horse.)

Friday, June 10: Today is last call for the With Love Beer Garden and for more information about the love-child of GPTMC and PBW, check last week's Monday. The Tree of Life by Terrence Malick premieres around Philly tonight, locations like Ritz East (The scene of Morgan Spurlock's Q&A). An open bar to be at? For $20, explore cavanuagh's River Deck and feel like royalty during the 3-hour premium open bar. Get on Philly2Night's guest list to receive the VIP treatment.

Saturday, May 11: The Full Plate Chili Cook Off is three hours of chili and accessories starting at 12 p.m., followed by spending the rest of the day avoiding other attendees after they taste, judge and indulge. Well worth the $10 that gets you a tasting spoon and a ballot, you still have to bring your own bib. At the Full Plate in Northern Liberties on Wildey and 3rd, you won't be disturbed by the Fried Chicken Run put on by South Philly Tap Room at 4 p.m. However, if you want to join in, you can run to the Tap Room for three beers and a friend chicken dinner for $25. My pick? Skip the run and score one beer and friend chicken for $8, then watch as the over-ambitious struggle in one by one after running.
Sunday, June 12: The last day of PBW brings Philly Beer Week Music Fest and the Dock St. to Dock Street Run. Take a look at Sunday on this PBW Guide for more information. After sipping brews all week, you can get your cultural fill at the Piazza At Schmidt's. There, Awesome Fest offers the chance to regain your philosophical dignity with the Philadelphia premiere of The City Dark at 7:30 p.m., co-presented with Rooftop Films and followed by a Q & A with director Ian Cheney. Warning, it's an expose on our world without light, stars or baby sea turtles, so you may want to plan a PBW event afterwards accordingly.
Monday, June 13: Conshohocken Restaurant Week opens to the public today. Isabella is on the list! I recommend their $20 tasting menu, and make sure you go between 5 and 7 p.m. to take advantage of their delicious happy hour bevys at the same time. The best guide to Conshy Restaurant Week tells you where is worth going.
For More Events this Weekend: For more events in Philadelphia, check out uwishunu.com, or if you're trying do Philly for cheap (or free) read the Examiner.com Page for Philadelphia Budget Events. also, you can follow me on twitter for constant updates about events! Also, if you're going to be at the shore this weekend... DrinkPhilly: Jersey Shore edition can guide your travels.
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