Tuesday, May 3: "Shaken Not Stirred" Cocktail Party at the National Constitution Center. Accompanied by only spy-tinis and your wits, attend "A Covert Cocktail Party" where you get to play with spy stuff, see old Bond film clips and quite possibly save the world (or win some prizes for being the "ill"-est spy). Admission to the party is a little steep, $35, but it includes entry into the Spies, Traitors & Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America exhibition.
Wednesday, May 4: Krispy Kreme, Center City Edition: At 6 a.m., the first customer gets a dozen glazed weekly for a year, or until he/she dies of a heart attack. Other giveaways, details below. One glazed = 190 calories. Hooray, Grand Opening. http://www.krispykremephilly.com/grandopening/ Night-time plans? If you're a lady on the Main Line, hit up Wednesday Night Whinos' Spring Shopping Night in Wayne. I've been itching to give this networking, wine-drinking event a try...

Friday, May 6: First Friday everyone! In addition to the usual amazing wine-beer-food-art-music of Old City's First Friday, Longwood Gardens is offering free entry today. My plan for the night? Roam Old City, devouring free art, food and beverages until I get to Drink Philly's First Friday event, which always makes my FF list every month - last month it was Magic Hat, this month they are doling out free Yards beer & Continental nibbles. And don't worry, if the keg gets kicked, there will be another one waiting...
Weekend: Go to http://www.uwishunu.com/category/Weekend/ on Friday morning around 10 a.m., because frankly I don't have the time - there's just too much that goes on in our wonderful city of Philly for anyone other than the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation to keep track of... also, follow me on twitter for constant updates: www.twitter.com/Lindsay_L_Lewis
(I can tell you this Sunday, May 8, you'll find me at Winterthur's Point-to-Point - ponies, dachshunds and children pitted against each other in a race to the finish while adults eat, drink, and be merry - It's worth the trip to DE.)
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